Pomelo Cookies Strain


Pomelo Cookies is a rare slightly indica dominant hybrid strain (60% indica/40% sativa) .This hard-hitting bud packs a super unique flavor and high THC level into each and every toke, with a potency that hits about 22-26% on average

  • 1 Ounce
  • 1/4 Pound
  • 1/2 Pound
  • 1 Pound

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About Pomelo Cookies Strain

Pomelo Cookies is a rare slightly indica dominant hybrid strain (60% indica/40% sativa) created as a unique phenotype of the infamous Girl Scout Cookies . Furthermore, this hard-hitting bud packs a super unique flavor and high THC level into each and every toke, with a potency that hits about 22-26% on average.

Moreover, pomelo is an indica-leaning hybrid marijuana strain bred exclusively by Cookies. Named after the large bright fruit that bares its name, besides, pomelo is a vibrant strain that gives users a happy head high and pairs well with activities like socializing and video games with friends.

Specifically, this strain has an aroma that unsuprisingly smells like bitter citrus but tastes sweet like a ripe stone fruit – think peaches and apricots. In Addition, pomelo is a beautiful with thick, frosty trichomes and stunning orange hairs.
Overall, fans of Pomelo have shared this to provide a euphoric and uplifting experience combined with a relaxing body high that helped those who needed to be productive and mobile while decreasing pain and inflammation.
THC levels average in the upper teens and lower twenties, and the terpenes presenting dominantly in Pomelo are Linalool, Limonene, and Beta-Caryophyllene.
Furthermore, Pomelo high starts almost as soon as you exhale, filling your mind with a lifted sense of cerebral energy and focus that launches you into a state of pure euphoria and bliss that is free of any stresses or worries whatsoever. You’ll find yourself feeling sociable and motivated, ready to jump on any task at ha

where it’s safe for others to smell it.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]

Lab Data

THC: 22% – 26%

Cannabinoid Lab Data
Cannabinoid Amount
THC: 26.63%
CBD: <0.115%
THC-A: 24.4%

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Pomelo strain effects

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May Relieve  


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Pomelo strain Aroma

Earthy, CitrusSourSweet [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator border_width=”2″][vc_column_text]

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Similar strains: We used science to find strains with similar terpenes and effects


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With an average flowering period of roughly 9 weeks, seeds from the Pomela strain produce tall plants that can stretch up to 5 feet in height. When cultivated properly, the buds of Pomelo are mint green and airy. Crystal trichomes coat the entire surface giving the buds a frosty glow. Fuzzy orange pistils can be found peeking their way through these trichome-rich buds.

  • Environment Indoor, Outdoor, Greenhouse
  • Flowering Type Standard
  • Flowering Time 7-8 WEEKS

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Additional information


1 Ounce, 1/4 Pound, 1/2 Pound, 1 Pound

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Pomelo Cookies Strain


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